
Elena Pavlova has got vast experience in developing and implementing the original projects. She specializes in various aspects of consulting, i.e, analysis, optimization, research, etc. ​ All solutions go through the stages of development, adaptation to certain conditions of the enterprise, implementation, and production run. The implementation of the projects is accompanied by personnel training in order to ensure the future independent usage of the optimal control systems.

The terms and conditions including the cost of the contract are discussed with a client individually. Please, contact us for more information: +7 (985) 435-23-64,

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  1. Analysis of the system of interaction of the divisions in a company
  2. Analysis of all incoming informational and product flows
  3. Analysis of all outgoing informational and product flows
  4. Analysis of existing commercial management processes
  5. Analysis of existing productive and technological processes
  6. Analysis of warehouse processes
  7. Analysis of document circulation
  8. Analysis of information system.

​The main goal of the analysis of a company’s performance is:

  • to detect all the necessary aspects of expenses optimization and improve the system of management.
  • to detect the problems related to the expenses optimization (what makes it difficult or impossible presently)
  • to detect the causes of these problems
  • to formulate the tasks
  • to make a detailed plan of the tasks accomplishment
  • to determine the effectiveness of the suggested changes
  • to develop the principles of corporate and information systems.

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Management of an Enterprise

  1. Development and implementation of the optimal corporate structure
  2. Development and implementation of corporate information system for the optimal management in real-time mode
  3. Establishment of the management accounting in order to decrease the expenses of an enterprise
  4. Development and implementation of the enterprise management with establishment of workplaces. The system optimizes all processes in regard with expenses on these processes
  5. Development and implementation of the personnel optimal management system
  6. Development of the personnel motivation system
  7. Development of the enterprise’s effectiveness improvement system
  8. Development and implementation of the system of data’s collection and processing in real-time mode, which fixes the time of each function and operation and helps to optimize that time
  9. Development of the system of objective control of carrying out the functions and operations
  10. Optimization of the expenditure items of the budget due to the decrease of costs connected with the operating activities.

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Optimization and Cost Control

  1. Optimization of traffic flows with the use of mathematical model method
  2. Organization of logistics management
  3. Specification of the logistics functions for the exact enterprise
  4. Development of computerized functional workplaces for effective implementation of the internal and external informational flows
  5. Development and implementation of computerized transportation control system
  6. The system of premier choices (based on various parameters) of solution of transportation tasks
  7. Development and implementation of inventory management system
  8. Development of the optimal layout of warehouse area subject to its function (personal warehouse, commercial warehouse)
  9. Development of the premier technological warehouse processes for certain storage facilities
  10. Development of warehouse document circulation
  11. Development of unified warehouse and consumer packaging
  12. Development of organization structure of warehouse
  13. Optimization of number of personnel by means of the improvement of the work effectiveness
  14. Calculation of the economic effect caused by the implementation of new logistics processes at warehouse
  15. Development of commercial warehouse modeling system with the selection of the optimal cargo flow in order to decrease the period of payback of investments
  16. Development of structure of cross functional nomenclative catalogue of the enterprise’s production
  17. Development of structure of suppliers catalogue and clients catalogue
  18. Development and implementation of the optimal documentation circulation based on structure catalogues of goods and contractors.

Marketing Research

Marketing research of the services and production market. The research is based on the authoring software that enables a Customer to check the accuracy of the statistics and conclusions.